Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Word of the Day

I learned a new word today: Mangina. A mangina is apparantly a man with a vagina. I was working out, finishing my third set of bench pressing 415 lbs, but I was having a tough time getting the weight up. So strength coach Mickey Marotti calls me a "mangina" for some extra motivation. Except I didn't know what that was. Mom never covered that in our home-schooled sex ed classes. Well anyway, I think this is my new favorite word. It just rolls off the toungue. Say it - Man-Gi-Na. Feels good doesn't it.

I can think of at least 5 schools on our schedule that should change their mascot to a Mangina. Come Oct you can make that 6 and add LSU to the list. In fact the entire Big 10 should collectively change their mascots to a Mangina effective tomorrow (Ohio St can be retroactive to Jan 8!)

Well there you have it, my new word of the day. I'll probably be using it a lot in this blog so I wanted to give you guys a heads up.

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