Sunday, September 16, 2007

Royal Treatment

After a win like yesterday's I like to enjoy what I call The Royal Treatment. You know what I'm talking about - having girls fan you and feed you grapes. TJ has his own version he calls "pulling a Murphy" as in Eddie Murphy in Coming to America. I'll call up six or so girls of my choosing and have them come over and take care of me. 2 will be on fans, 2 on feeding me fruits, and 2 on fluffer duty. All wearing my favorite outfit - a thong and a wife beater t-shirt. When anyone gets tired they just call out "rotate" and switch positions, so it's a pretty good system.

So last night it was Jessica, Ashley, Tiffany, Amber, Erica, and Mandy - 6 girls, one from each of the top sororities on campus. After a night with me, each girl will go back to her house and tell all her friends and get them jealous. So it's like planting a seed in each house at once. Then again I'm Tim Tebow I don't really need to be planting any seeds. Every girl already gives me her A game when they come over. They see how hard I prepare for football games and the girls all tend to do their homework and practice their technique before they come over. You've got to be skilled to give me the Royal Treatment, just like I've got to be skilled to complete a pass for a first down while I'm falling to the ground.

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